The Foundation trustees and staff are proud to join the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business on a journey through ten highlights – in photos and words – in celebration of their tenth anniversary. The selected milestones are just a handful of the many ways the Center is working with students, faculty, industry partners, and staff to empower the “Ray C. Andersons of tomorrow” to create sustainable businesses and communities.
In 2013, the Foundation supported the launch of the Center for Business Strategies for Sustainability at the Scheller College at Georgia Tech, with additional support provided by the Kendeda Fund and Scheller College leadership. It was founded upon the desire to accelerate the development and adoption of sustainable business practices through educational programs, high-impact research, and industry engagement. The first ten years have seen the Center grow from a “startup Center” to the ten-members-strong Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business. The community of Center-affiliated faculty continues to grow, too, with more opportunities for engagement every year. The students, passionate about problem-solving, impress us with their dedication to tackling some of the world’s most challenging issues – from climate change to equity.
Read the full story on the Center's website.